Thursday, June 14, 2007

PRIDE 2007

I had a fabulous time at DC Pride 2007, one of the best ever, except for Pride '97 (!) when I met Jeff and Pride '98 when we had our first kiss and started dating. As always, we marched with DCAC the swim team, and there were lots of pictures taken. These are all other people's pictures. In the NAVY! A few shutterbugs just couldn't help themselves and snapped dozens and dozens of shots. Thanks, dcdivrguy. Wow. And a few weeks later, because we just couldn't get enough, Jeff and I went up to New York for NY Pride and had a fantastic time at the Pier Dance (again). Not my pictures, but South African Greg's.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Paris, je t'aime

It's been too long, but I have some new photos! Jeff and I went to Paris with the DC swim team for the IGLA 2007 championships. We did great as a team, coming in 2nd. I did beautifully, with two personal bests, my first individual IGLA medals (two bronzes), and my first men's relay medal (a silver). Next year's IGLA will be in DC (June 18-22, 2008). The Paris photos are here, including trips to the top of the Eiffel Tower and to Monet's home in Giverny. More to follow. Our Pink Flamingo was fabulous, but I'm not sure anyone filmed it. Someone filmed the Paris team's Pink Flamingo. And Chris took lots of pictures of the DC Pink Flamingo. Truly LA VIE EN ROSE!