Wednesday, July 02, 2008

IGLA 2008! Pride!

June was a busy month! DCAC put together a successful International Lesbian and Gay Aquatics (IGLA) 2008 championships, and won the large-team swim trophy for the 9th time. Of course, there are lots of pictures, including here. The Washington Blade had a preview, blogged about it, and published lots of pictures (including one of me). Metro Weekly previewed it, too, and took photos (I'm in photo #60 and #82, marking the first time I've been in the Blade and MW the same week). DCAC had roving photographers taking lots and lots of pictures. I mean lots.

And of course, June was Pride month. As usual, Jeff and I overdid it by participating in both DC and NY Pride. We ran the NY Pride Run in Central Park on a muggy morning.

Once again, we had great fun at the Dance on the Pier. Then it was back on the road, with trips to Minneapolis and Indianapolis for work.

Next up, Europe!